2023 world champions
Team Autobahn Wins It All!
Mike Powell (North Carolina) & Kyle Whalen (Georgia) win the Tinter Battles™ World Championships! Gets picked up by local media leading to massive end consumer awareness. Read about it here!
Tinter Battles™ 2023 is a family-friendly international event held annually gathering the Tint / PPF / Wraps Communities from around the world for 3 days of Education, Business, Competitions, & Entertainment.
Tinter Battles™ 2023 was held in the World Renowned & Prestigious Omni Resorts in Amelia Island!
Event Dates: Jan 5-8, 2023
Tinter Battles™ Show Season 3 Premieres Feb 22!
2023 Competition Results:
Eliu Albelo of Florida & Founder of Tint Busters wins the GAPs Championships!
Contest to test a tinter’s GAP Consistency on frameless windows. NO filing, NO shaving—PURE Hand Skill. Top (3) Finalists Advance.
Contest is inspired and judged by Industry Influencer Sheriff Tintright.
Round 1: Window Film Pros Defeats Team Tintertainment™.
Round 2: Team Tint Wiz Community Defeats Window Tinters United
FINALS Round: Team Tint Wiz Community Defeats Team Window Film Pros!
Team Tint Wiz Community nominated Team Autobahn to the World Championships.
(4) Teams Representing Popular Facebook Groups compete in the FIRST-EVER Trivia Game Show!
ROUND 1: Window Film Pros vs Tintertainment™ - (10) QUESTIONS TOTAL
ROUND 2: Tint Wiz vs Window Tinters United - (10) QUESTIONS TOTAL
(2) Teams select (1) tinter team each to advance to TB23 Champs
Each team will have a participant to answer (1) question.
The first person to hit the buzzer first will have the opportunity to answer.
If answered CORRECTLY, their team wins a point.
If answered INCORRECTLY, the other person has a chance of getting the answer and a point.
If both are wrong: the original buzzer can consult w/ their team to submit an answer as a team for the point.
If the team is wrong: it goes to the other team.
If both teams are wrong: the question gets revealed to the audience and discarded. NO points awarded.
TRUE/FALSE Questions: If a true/false question is asked, the buzzer MUST answer the question correctly.
If they answer incorrectly, their opposing team will get the point.
NO phone usage allowed during the contest.
If an audience member yells out the answer, the question will be a NO CONTEST.
Qualifications Clause: The TOP (2) Finalists will each select a team to nominate and represent them at the Tinter Battles™ Championships Competition!
The Heat Shrink Battles Champion is Luis Henriques of Tint Pro w/ a back window shrink speed of (1) Minute, 59 seconds.
Sponsored by: Madico Films—The Clear Choice since 1903.
What is it?
The ultimate 1-on-1 heat shrinking window tint competition desiged to test the speed of a professional's ability to shrink window film w/ a series (1 )vs (1) Battle Round Competitions Divided Into (5) Groups.
Each Battle Group Competitors will battle in an Elimination Series Format: The Winner of Each Group will advance to the Heat Shrink Battles Finals, creating the Official Final (5) Competitors — Advancing to the Championships.
From these 5, the contest continues as an Elimination Series Format: Winner stays to defend until victory or defeat.
The FINAL two competitors remaining in the Competition will BATTLE in a Best 2 out of 3 declaring the official winner of the Heat Shrink Battles 2023.
RULES: Each participant/team must fully heat shrink and flatten out a back window within the installable area.
Each competitor will have 60 seconds to prepare their back window to their preferred style of shrink. Film is NOT allowed on the glass during the Prep Stage.
Once the round starts, competitors may lay their film and begin shrinking.
NO creases, NO burns. Any defects within the installable area will result in disqualification. Fastest shrinker advances. Referee has final say.
The Top 5 Finalists teams of the Heat Shrink Battles will advance to the Team's Tinter Battles Championships for the World Titles.
Any style or technique is welcome! Heat gun, torch, wet shrink, dry shrink—up to you! This contest has open rules to allow any installer to perform at they're absolute best.
Entry is OPEN to any film professional attending Tinter Battles™. Must pre-register online.
Elimination Rounds & Finals are on January 6, 2023.
Team's Tinter Battles Championships are on January 7th, 2023.
WINNERS: Team Autobahn — Mike Powell & Kyle Whalen
2nd Place: Team Old School — Luis Henriquez, Fernando Sainz.
3rd Place: The Wizards — Chuck Cochran, Jimmy Nance
Tinter Battles Championships: Teams consisted of the TOP MOST INFLUENTUAL Window Film Professionals gather to battle it out for the Window Film Industry Team's Most Prestigious Title—The Tinter Battles World Championship Titles!
How To Enter:
Tintertainment is hosting a series of challenges and competitions on January 6th, 2023.
To enter, you must be a finalist in any competition held on January 6th.
Championships Battles for the titles will be held on January 7th, 2023 at 3PM Eastern Time in the Magnolia Ballroom.
*All Competing Teams in the Finals must meet in the Conference Room at 2:30PM Eastern Time.
The current World Title holders are Jimmy Nance & Chuck Cochran, Winners of Tinter Battles 2022 in Orlando, FL.
Each team will have 60 minutes to complete their vehicle. You may use all of this time, or finish early—up to you.
Methods & Styles: All tools & techniques are welcome. This contest judges the RESULTS—not the process.
Disqualitications: Teams are NOT allowed to receive any aid from audience or attendees. Any damages made to vehicles will have major points deductions in your overall score and can result in a disqualification. Vehicles must completed and delivered in "showroom" condition.
Transparent Judging: Judging will be based on deductions from a score of 1,000 points. All scores will be published after winners are announced.
You Do You: You choose your film, you choose your partner, you choose your style, you choose your fate. This contest is about combining the BEST techniques, BEST Tools, BEST Professionals.
Referees: Official designated with enforcing of rules. We want to judge your BEST work—we don't want any one disqualified.
Judges: David Karle (CoolVu), Jody Knight (KDX), Roberta Rodriguez (Solar Gard).
Meet The League of Trainers
An ALL-STAR Lineup of TINT & PPF Professionals from popular industry brands forming —The League of Trainers available for all attendees of all ages!
Intro to Advanced Trainings in English & Spanish—All Under One Roof.
An ALL-STAR Lineup of TINT & PPF Professionals from popular industry brands forming the team of — League of Trainers! Trainings Are Included w/ Your Entry Ticket.
Trainers Participating are:
Marco Cazorla - TINT
Dane Gregory (CeramicPro) - TINT
Jody Knight (KDX) - TINT
Tony Kiger (Autobahn) -
TINTRoberta (Solar Gard) - TINT
Rob Ruska (Eastman) - TINT
Eliu Albelo (Spanish) - TINT
Mike Norng (Auto Film Mastery) - PPF
Pedro Cervantez (3M) - PPF
Billy Ellis (XPEL) - PPF
Alex Valencia (XPEL) - PPF
Trainers will be training on January 6th, 2023 and available for any attendees, Shop Staff & yes, EVEN KIDS! Take advantage of this rare opportunity.
Massive Photo Gallery Made For You!
Tintertainment™ & Tint Wiz CRM App have joined forces to bring you the ultimate, high quality, sharp resolution photos to remember this maginicent event FOR A LIFETIME!
Download and share them on your social media! Don't forget to tag us @tintertainment!
Tintertainment™ created a qualification system to test the VERSATILITY of professionals through unique never-before-seen window tinting challenges.
How? Easy. We took all of the finalists from each challenge and had them BATTLE for the Tinter Battles™ World Championship Titles!

Challenge 2: Tinter Trivia Game Show
Why isn't TINT & PPF History more talked about?
Well, it's never been fun—until now! (4) Popular Facebook Groups BATTLE in a Never-Before-Seen Trivia Contest.
Topics covered are word definitions, TRUE/FALSE, & history of Window Film & PPF Industry. This isn't about skill—it's about BRAIN POWER!
ROUND1: Team Window Film Pros Defeats Team Tintertainment™
ROUND 2: Team Tint Wiz Community Defeats Team Window Tinters United
FINALS ROUND: Team Tint Wiz Community Defeats Window Film Pros.
Congratulations to Team Tint Wiz Community!
January 6th - 11am